Bloveslife channel and the Seafood sauce debate


The main feature of Bloveslife Youtube channel is seafood boil mukbangs using her special “Smackalicious” seafood sauce. “Blove” also known as Bethany, is known as the queen of seafood boils. She posts seafood boil mukbangs almost every day and her Smackalicious sauce is what attracts millions of people to her videos. The sauce contains a variety of herbs, and spices, as well as onions, garlic, and a whole lot of butter. She was actually able to produce and market a dry mix to her sauce on Amazon however, it is hard to get because it sells out almost immediately. I was actually able to buy a bag before it sold out and I prepared a king crab seafood boil for the occasion. I don't like butter on my seafood but her mukbangs made the Smackalicious sauce look so amazingly delicious that I had to try it. 

The bag of dry seasoning itself was about $25 at the time I bought it and the recipe required 4 sticks of butter and a lot of other unique ingredients like coca cola and pickled ginger. Overall it was very expensive and pretty time consuming to make. I don't know what I was expecting since I don't like butter on my seafood but I personally did not like the sauce. It tasted like a herbal butter mixture similar to pizza seasoning. Compared to SAS-ASMR seafood sauce (as mentioned in my previous blog post) which is light and tangy, this sauce was very rich and heavy. I very much prefer the SAS-ASMR seafood sauce to the Smackalicious seafood sauce, but again if you like butter on your seafood your opinion may differ from mine. SAS-ASMR seafood sauce is also cheaper, and easier to make, but I applaud Bethany for creating such a legendary recipe. Many other people who have reviewed her sauce love it, including SAS-ASMR so you definitely have to try it before forming your own opinion. Although I did not enjoy her sauce, I still watch Bethany’s seafood boil mukbangs because she just makes it look so good. She will probably influence me to buy her sauce again even though I know I do not like it.

Bloveslife channel: 

Bloveslife Smackalicious seafood sauce recipe: 

Bloveslife sauce vs SAS-ASMR seafood sauce video:


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